We are opening a call for the recruitment of three coordinators for the QCBS R Workshop Series, to start their term this next September, 2024.


The upcoming coordinators must ensure the organization and execution of the QCBS R Workshop Series and QCBS R Symposia. Coordinators share responsibilities that include:

  • Meeting periodically to discuss and implement actions related to the coordination of the R Workshop Series and the Symposia;
  • Writing the annual budget that must be sent, discussed with, and approved by the QCBS directorship;
  • Organizing the annual R Workshop Series and R Symposium;
  • Recruiting QCBS members to contribute to the R Workshop Series by presenting workshops and/or by developing the presentation and written materials;
  • Communicating with the QCBS administration to ensure that contributing members to the R Workshop Series receive their Learning and Development Awards;
  • Ensuring that the website and the presenter and developer protocols are up-to-date;
  • Assessing, and if possible, implementing new projects related to the R Workshop Series;

The current coordinators will ensure a smooth transition of tasks to the upcoming coordinators.


It is indispensable that coordinators proactively maintain a respectful, collaborative and inclusive environment and follow institutional codes of conduct related to the QCBS and the QCBS R Workshop Series. Prospective coordinators must be active members from the QCBS, and must be willing to learn and to use tools required to maintain the Series and the Symposia (e.g., R, GitHub, Zoom Meetings, and Slack). Preference will be given to forming a diverse coordination cohort with members willing to take the position for two consecutive years and that can be bilingual.


Coordinators receive a Learning and Development Award of $2,000 per year that respect the award payment guidelines from the QCBS R Workshop Series.


If you are interested in applying please submit your contact information in this form by June 21st, 2024. We will get back to you with further details on the application process.

Do not hesitate to contact us ([email protected]) if you have any questions.

The QCBS R Workshop Series coordination team