The QCBS R Workshops for 2023-2024 were once again a success, offered remotely in both English and French. Over 70 people participated, benefiting from the dedication and hard work of the 9 presenters who provided an enriching learning experience. The winter workshops attracted over 50 participants, highlighting the importance and need to learn how to work with statistical models for in-depth analysis in ecology, while the fall workshops, offering an introduction to R, had lower attendance, perhaps due to the incorporation of R programming into some university programs. Overall, the workshops exceeded the expectations of many participants, who expressed satisfaction with the content offered, and minor suggestions were considered in future workshop developments.

This year, we adjusted the learning and development price from $150 to $180 to reflect current prices and recognize the outstanding work of presenters. Despite this change, recruitment of presenters for the winter workshops (6-10) has met with some challenges. We would like to emphasize the opportunity offered by the presentation of these workshops, for which the material is already ready, to develop information transmission skills.

Unfortunately, the R Symposium, originally scheduled for May 2024, has been postponed until next fall due to a lack of workshop proposals. It would be advisable to implement a new strategy for recruiting people interested in sharing their R expertise in order to increase interest in this event.

We would like to thank our entire team for their commitment and valuable contribution to 2023-2024:

Marc-Olivier Beausoleil (McGill), Anna Crofts (UdeS), Gabriel Bergeron (Ulaval), Clara Casabona (UdeS), Théophile Kabasele Walelu (UdeM), Madelaine Anderson (UdeS), Elene Haave Audet (UQAM), Morgane Henry (McGill), Jérémy Lepage (UdeS).

Thank you all for a wonderful year of collaboration and sharing in the QCBS R workshop series.

The QCBS R workshop series coordination team