Basics of effective and reproducible data visualization

by Tania Maxwell

Project Details

  • Language :
  • Material required :
    R and RStudio
  • Instructed :
    R Symposium 2019
  • Contributed by :
    Tania Maxwell

Basics of effective and reproducible data visualization

As scientists, we are writers and artists. Images and figures are excellent and indispensable to share information and communicate our results. Depending on the audience (journals, social media, conference presentations, posters, etc.), there are different ways to best illustrate what you want to tell in your story. This workshop is intended to provide basic rules for graphic design, along with steps for how to visualize data, process images and export them. There will also be detailed steps for how to build and personalize your figures using the R package ggplot2. The last part of the workshop will be interactive, inviting participants to share their own tips and tricks.

Workshop material
