Chapter 1 Learning objectives

In this workshop, you will learn how to load, view, and manipulate your data in R. You will learn basic commands to inspect and visualize your data, and learn how to fix errors that may have occurred while loading your data into R. In addition, you will learn how to write an R script, which is a text file that contains your R commands and allows you to rerun your analyses in one simple touch of a key (or maybe two, or three…)! We have included an advance users section where we will introduce tidyr and dplyr, two powerful tools to manage and re-format your dataset, as well as apply simple or complex functions on subsets of your data. This workshop will be useful for those progressing through the entire workshop series, but also for those who already have some experience in R and would like to become proficient with new tools and packages. By the end of this workshop, we will have accomplished these objectives:

  1. Creating an R project
  2. Writing a script
  3. Loading, exploring and saving data
  4. Learn to manipulate data frames with tidyr, dplyr, maggritr