Shiny Web Apps for Communicating Science

by Jake Lawlor

Project Details

  • Language :
  • Material required :
    R and RStudio
  • Instructed :
    R Symposium 2022
  • Contributed by :
    Jake Lawlor

Shiny Web Apps for Communicating Science

This workshop will introduce reactive programming in the R Shiny environment, and how Shiny apps can be used for exploring data, sharing results, or generating custom reports from user-generated inputs. We will cover the basic structure and functionality of Shiny Apps, discuss different levels of customization in user interfaces, and tools to extend your existing R skills to fully interactive products including packages for interactive maps, plots, and tables. We will briefly cover generating custom reports through parameterized Rmarkdown scripts, and finally, strategies to deploy Shiny apps for long-term availability. Overall, this workshop will introduce the basics of Shiny app development, and a few of the ways Shiny apps can help share your science with the collaborators, stakeholders, or the public.

Workshop material

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